Then it started to thunderstorm. Hmm? I wonder if it was the barometric pressure change that caused me to feel worse?
A lot of mold sensitive individuals report feeling worse when the barometric pressure is falling. The theory is that perhaps the pressure change causes molds to release more spores and toxins into the air. We don’t really know for sure but it seems possible since those same individuals don’t usually have a problem with falling barometric pressure in pristine locations.
I really hope it was just a coincidence though since I would hate to find out that this campground isn’t as pristine as I thought it was. I really don’t want to have to move again for at least a little while. I’m really starting enjoy the stability of staying in one place!
Thankfully, I started to feel a little better after a while but I was still exhausted. Luckily, I have a really sweet husband and he offered to make dinner for us. I was so relieved and grateful! Thank you so much Brett!