A Letter To My Readers

October 18, 2017

My dear readers,

I just wanted to take today to let you know that I’m going to be cutting back to blogging once per week. I love blogging and it’s been so healing for my heart to be able to inspire hope through my writing.

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that lately, the blog has become a bit stressful and it’s really important for me to keep my stress levels down so that I can keep recovering both emotionally and physically. Because of this, I’ve decided that I need to cut back again. I feel a little guilty about it but Brett reminded me that the best way I can serve all of you is to keep living my story faithfully and try to get as healthy as possible.

I want you to know that it’s especially hard for me when I can’t reply to all the comments and Facebook messages I receive. I know that each person who reaches out on my blog and Facebook page is a unique human being with a unique story. It tears me up when so many people are opening up to let me see their pain and I can’t respond to everyone with the empathy their situation demands.

Please know that I love you all and I recognize how beautiful it is to be trusted enough that strangers are willing to be vulnerable with me. I’m sorry if I ever missed one of your comments or Facebook messages. Hopefully by posting once per week I will have more time to keep up with comments. I truly care about all of you, it’s just that sometimes it’s hard for one little heart to hold so many suffering people.

I do pray that my blog will continue to be a source of encouragement and hope for people of all sorts for many years to come.

See you next Wednesday!



By the way, Brett and I made a beautiful PDF of my favorite resources for suffering souls. I created the content and he made it look fancy with his superduper graphic design skills. It’s available for free to my email subscribers. Click here to sign up and receive 5 Resources for the Suffering Soul.

Get My 5 Favorite Resources

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  • Carolyn

    Do what you need to do, Ana. I’m sure anyone, especially if they have health issues, will understand!

    October 18, 2017 at 5:29 pm Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Thank you Carolyn! 💕

      October 19, 2017 at 10:46 am Reply
  • Suzanne

    The reason that flight attendants tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others to don theirs is because if you’re not getting oxygen, you won’t be able to help anyone else. And so with you. Get your ‘oxygen’ without guilt.

    October 18, 2017 at 6:47 pm Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Aww… Thanks Suzanne! ❤️

      October 19, 2017 at 10:46 am Reply
  • Ellen Pederson-Lewis

    Ana, you taking care of you is great inspiration!! ❤❤

    October 18, 2017 at 9:31 pm Reply
    • Ana Harris


      October 19, 2017 at 10:46 am Reply
  • James

    I my own health struggles I understand the need to cut back and how hard it can be to do so at the same time. I may not put this quit right but in a similar way remember that patients who are still very ill have limited energy to read and so even though we really enjoy reading your posts it can also be a bit of a relief to not have so much to read every week when one is already feeling overwhelmed. Of course most important is what works for you!

    October 18, 2017 at 11:00 pm Reply
  • Linda

    As one CIRS patient to another, I totally understand. I limit my exposure to social media and TV because of the stress it invokes. I have no idea why it does, but I do best limiting what I take in. I have found it helps. So we thank you for all you have written up until now and I know that when you are able and God gives you the strength, you will write more. Your tender words are an encouragement to so many.

    October 19, 2017 at 8:20 am Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Aww… This is such a sweet comment Linda! Thank you so much! Social media really can be so stressful. 💕

      October 19, 2017 at 10:47 am Reply
  • Bethany Rose

    That’s a wise decision! Don’t feel guilty, Ana, but instead do everything you can to heal. Your posts will just be that much more special, being rarer. ☺️

    October 19, 2017 at 3:21 pm Reply
  • ashley nicole

    Don’t feel guilty about cutting back! I will be so grateful to see your once a week post, I promise 🙂 Stay strong, girl!

    October 19, 2017 at 6:20 pm Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Aww… Thank you Ashely! 💕

      October 23, 2017 at 12:06 pm Reply
  • Ruth Meyer

    Don’t see this as a bad sign, Ana. For me, when I’m making progress (even when it feels harder), I often find myself cutting back on social communication like this. It’s natural, and completely up to you and what you know your mind and body can handle. Thank you so much for writing, and I truly hope the one who benefits the most from all of this is you, because those who pour out blessings God does not forget to shower with grace. I pray you have a peace-filled weekend.

    October 20, 2017 at 2:33 am Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Thank you for your kind words Ruth! 💕

      October 23, 2017 at 12:06 pm Reply
  • Courtney Harris

    You are wise and you are loved, Ana!!

    October 21, 2017 at 7:33 am Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Aww… 💕

      October 23, 2017 at 12:07 pm Reply
  • Karen

    Ana- Your wonderful blog is a gift to the world whether you post once a week or once a year (or if decide to just write a book about your journey instead) . Continue to heal and grow strong! We are all praying for you and cheering for you. 🙂

    October 22, 2017 at 6:46 am Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Thank you so much Karen! What a kind comment! 🙂

      October 23, 2017 at 12:07 pm Reply
  • Chris Barratt

    You are right, Ana. You need to take care of you and if cutting back does that, then that’s what you need to do. And as far as commenting, don`t worry about that. Most of us readers have been following for your sake and because the posts encourage and strengthen us. So further comments from you are not what it’s been about. But it’s so sweet of you to be so considerate. Especially in an age when so many are not. I also wanted to tell you that, the previous post really resonated with me. I’ve also went through times when it felt like God was not there. I think we all have those times really. Probably Jesus himself felt that way on the cross. But we know the Father was still there and didn’t leave Him. And just like you said, when others come along, they are the hands and feet of Christ. Just like those who ministered to Jesus while He was on the cross. The Father was there through them. I needed to be reminded of all this though, as some days when the world inflicts it’s pain and cruelty, it’s something we can forget. So I thank you for the insight and the encouragement. You may not think that your illness has served any greater purpose. But I think it has. But then, as Gerald Sittser says, “No amount of good that came out of it will make the incident itself good.” And that’s true. Any time someone suffers the suffering itself is not good. But sometimes the changes in others and the sufferer are good. And the gratitude and marvel at the wonder of everyday life that you no longer take for granted, has been one good thing that you have realized yourself and shown to all of us. And that is no small thing! Soli Deo Gloria!!

    October 24, 2017 at 12:37 pm Reply
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