Ahh… That mysterious future. This illness is so unpredictable that it makes it very difficult to plan for anything. You never know when something in the environment will change and you’ll be forced to flee to another place .
My friend and mold avoidance mentor, Sara Mattson, is going through this right now. The smoke from a huge forest fire has forced her to leave her cabin in Wyoming indefinitely. I also heard about another recovered biotoxin illness sufferer who had to leave her home because a toxic mold problem in her neighbor’s house was starting to seriously affect her.
So… it doesn’t look like life is going to become predictable any time soon, but we still need to have a general idea of where we’re headed.
What we do know is that we need to pay off the van so we can start setting money aside to eventually buy land and build some sort of mold-resistant dwelling. That will probably be a small one-room metal cabin like what Sara and Peter have. Who knows though, we may end up needing two places to live so that we always have somewhere to flee to if something in the environment changes.
So crazy! I still can’t get over how absurd this all is. Being hyper-reactive to mold is like living in a parallel universe. It’s hard to believe that all of this is even real. But when I look at the results that I’m getting through extreme mold avoidance, there’s no question in my mind that the locations effect is real and that clean air is a more effective treatment for me than drugs, supplements and diet ever were. So, I’m definitely good with crazy if it means I get my life back. Even if it’s a different kind of life than what I wanted.
By the way, Brett and I made a beautiful PDF of my favorite resources for suffering souls. I created the content and he made it look fancy with his superduper graphic design skills. It’s available for free to my email subscribers. Click here to sign up and receive 5 Resources for the Suffering Soul.
I can already see the shift in society as what used to be called crazy is turning into the most sane and rational thing anyone could possibly do… under the circumstances.
July 8, 2017 at 5:16 pmI agree Erik!
July 9, 2017 at 3:17 pm🙂
July 10, 2017 at 7:07 amI’m glad you’re able to start thinking ahead again, Ana. I know it takes a lot to get to the point where you can think past the next five minutes, next week, and beyond. That would be awesome if you had a place you could live more permanently. As soon as you said “parallel universe”, my writer brain went crazy with potential story plots. I think some form of illness would make a very interesting reason for someone to intentionally live (or escape) to an alternate reality/dimension. Sorry that was so random. Stay cool and hydrated 🙂 ~ Ruth from the YWW
July 8, 2017 at 5:20 pmOoh! Yes! I could see a great novel! I didn’t even think of that.
July 9, 2017 at 3:18 pmMake sure to read the book “Breathing Walls” before making any home design plans http://www.breathingwalls.com/drupal/drupal-5.14/
We are working with George and highly recommend it http://geoswan.com/
July 8, 2017 at 5:55 pmThanks for the suggestion. We’re not even close to being able to buy a home at this point… 🙂
July 9, 2017 at 3:19 pmI’m so happy that you’re able to start thinking about the future and the hope of something more permanently and hopefully create some continual normalcy. Praying for you guys.
July 8, 2017 at 6:57 pmThank you so much Natalie!
July 9, 2017 at 3:19 pmArt As in an apHi Ana,
I’m wondering whether the person who was affected by their neighbor’s mold shared a wall with them as in an apartment, or was it a single-family house?
And, have you ever done something like the Shoemaker protocol along with mold avoidance? Just curious.
Isn’t it great to be able to think about the future!
July 8, 2017 at 8:15 pmTo answer your questions… 🙂
It was not an apartment. It was a separate house.
And not really, I started but was unable to keep it up because of the craziness of mold avoidance. Then when things settled down more, I just didn’t feel like I needed it since I’m making such rapid progress. Other more experienced mold avoiders keep commenting on how fast I’m recovering. But I’d still consider it if I felt like I got stuck at any point.
July 9, 2017 at 3:22 pm1) first line was supposed to be Hi Ana
2) that’s really surprising — and disconcerting — that a person could be affected by a moldy house next door!
July 9, 2017 at 6:19 pmI’m keeping you guys in my prayers! We had a family prayer last night and I mentioned you guys. <3 I hope things work out for you all.
July 9, 2017 at 10:32 amThank you so much Charis! It means a lot! Those prayers sustain us day in and day out.
July 9, 2017 at 3:23 pmReading about what you’re going through brings a whole new perspective to life, Ana. Thank you! And on a slightly off-topic note, is that a kombucha bottle? I love that stuff!! The only brand that I get now is “Kombucha Wonder Drink,” but I still enjoy other brands.
July 9, 2017 at 4:33 pm