Day 37 | A New Campsite | Ana Harris Writes

Day 37 | A New Campsite

April 16, 2017

Today we spent several hours driving around El Malpais National Monument looking for dispersed camping sites. Unfortunately, the ranger station has been closed the last couple of days and we haven’t been able to ask about where we’re allowed to camp.

So we decided to explore on our own and eventually spotted a dirt road that wasn’t even on the map. We discovered some good camping spots about three or four miles down that road. Hooray!

We claimed a campsite and headed to Albuquerque to get groceries. We also needed to pick up some stuff that we’d left with people we know from church. We didn’t want to have a ton of stuff to lug around when we went to test cars yesterday.

I felt decent in Albuquerque, though some spots are rough. Cities are cities and there’s always going to be some kind of toxicity present. Still, I am hopeful that Albuquerque may end up being less problematic for me than Las Vegas.

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  • Natalie Julson

    That must be so exciting for you, Ana. Praying for you guys always

    April 17, 2017 at 2:56 pm Reply
  • Erin

    Wow. Lots of crazy, sad, hard things, but lots of good things too! 🙂 Praying for you all lots!

    April 17, 2017 at 7:43 pm Reply
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