Day 73 | Happy Laundry Day!

May 21, 2017

We had a really pleasant morning together. We did laundry, sang songs to the Lord, and read from the Bible. I was so happy and my body was full of energy. What a feeling!

Then we went into town to run some errands and talked to my family on the phone. When we arrived at Target, I stayed behind and Brett shopped. My reactivity is starting to go down but we both feel like staying out of buildings is still really important to my healing. It’s probably one of the reasons my body is healing so fast.

Next Brett went to the AT&T store to buy me a phone! Yay! Having a phone for each of us will hopefully boost our productivity a lot. Not to mention, I’ll be able to connect with friends more easily.

Unfortunately, when we went to the grocery store my brain turned to mush and I wasted a ton of time online when I was supposed to be working on my blog. I know we all do that from time to time but I honestly think it may have been an exposure symptom for me. I don’t normally have that much trouble with self-control and afterward I was super grouchy and felt generally awful. It’s weird I know… but I’ve learned that mood shifts and brain fog are often my first warning signs of exposure.

I decided to decontaminate and started to feel better. Those magical showers! Sometimes it still surprises me how effective they are!

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  • Chris

    Hi Ana!! Loved this laundry post. Doing simple chores can be very relaxing!! I enjoy them also. And I also think that showers help me when it pollen season here. I take one before bed so the pollen is not in my hair anymore. Would you mind if I asked what kind of bedding you found that you don’t react to? Specifically pillows. Being a natural person myself, I’ve been on the hunt for a soft all natural pillow. So I’m curious what ones you found that work. Also, did you buy all organic bedding? I try to do this myself (even though its pricey!). Thanks for the daily updates!! Love hearing your progress!! 🙂

    June 2, 2017 at 8:14 am Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Oh man! I’m sorry you’re not feeling so well. I’m glad the showers help though. 🙂

      I don’t mind answering your questions. 🙂The mattress is organic latex and it was a little too big so we cut the extra part off to use as pillows. The sheets are organic cotton but the quilt is not. It’s thinner and isn’t full of stuffing so it can actually be washed regularly. I haven’t had any problem with it at all. You can see what it looks like in my post about the bed.

      June 2, 2017 at 8:50 pm Reply
  • Patty Margaret

    I think I read that add often comes up in the symptoms of mold on the brain. May be it was in the movie Moldie. Add is all about focus becoming too short or to long. It sure messes up things. The internet can mess anybody’s focus!! Lol. I’m so glad you’re doing so well. We’re looking for the shorter transit connect for our plans to have something to get out of town for pleasure or for contamination of neighborhood with chemicals or smoke. Found a good one Sunday, but now it’s sold. The price was too high, though. Last summer we had to run a couple of weeks from our city getting smoky. I hated the hotels’ smells and laundry. I guess I one of many thousands looking to manage this. And your winning. Sending love.

    June 2, 2017 at 3:32 pm Reply
    • Ana Harris

      Thanks for sharing Patty! We saw a Transit Connect just the other day. It looked like a baby version of our van. Kinda cute actually! I hope you find one that works soon and I hope they let you test drive it to make sure you don’t react. It’s going to be really handy to have a mobile bedroom that you can take with you when you need to escape problems in the environment. Wishing you the best! 💕😊

      June 2, 2017 at 8:54 pm Reply

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